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Virtual Laboratory in Neuroanatomy

Laboratory in Neuroanatomy

The content of this page is maintained by Franco Pestilli on GitHub.

This virtual lab in neuroanatomy is subdivided into different sections. The early sections focus on anatomical strcutre, terms and organization. Later strcutres focus on the role that some of the structures play in human cognition, perception and disease.

Lab modules

Each week we will have a lecture covering parts of the brain strctures. Below the links to labs cooresponding to each lecture and week with topics and structures.

Virtual Lab 1.

Cells of the Nervous System, Cortical Layers, and White Matter.

Virtual Lab 2.

Brain Packaging and Blood Supply.

Virtual Lab 3.

Cerebral Cortex and Cranial Nerves.

Virtual Lab 4.

Basal Ganglia and Subcortical structures.

Virtual Lab 5.

Cerebellum and Ventricular System.

Virtual Lab 6.

The Brainstem.

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