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Index for fe

Matlab files in this directory:

 feConnectomeBuildModelCompute matrix to predict directional diffusion in each voxel from fibers
 feConnectomeInitInitialize a new connectome (fe) structure.
 feConnectomeReduceFibersDeletes a set of fibers from the signal and the M matrix.
 feConnectomeReduceVoxelsSelect the voxels to keep (extract) in a connectome matrix
 feConnectomeSelectFibersDeletes a set of fibers from the signal and the M matrix.
 feConnectomeSetDwiSet all the fields necessary to store the DWI measurements.
 feCreateCreate a linear fascicle evaluation structure
 feGetGet function for fascicle evaluation structure
 feGetRepGet function for fascicle evaluation structure, to use for a repeated
 feSetSet fascicle evaluation parameters.
 feVirtualLesionPerform a virtual lesion.

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